CED 1902 Amplifier

Price: $5605.00


Works with CED's Spike2 and Signal data acquisition and anlysis software.
Developed for a range of applications, including EMG, EEG, ECG, ERG, and evoked responses.

CED 1902 Amplifiers and Accessories

Standard Features

The 1902 is a versatile modular unit designed to work with CED’s Spike2 and Signal data acquisition systems. Developed for a broad range of applications, including EMG, EEG, ECG, ERG, and evoked responses, the 1902 accepts biological and instrumentation signals from a wide variety of sources including a wide variety of transducers (such as isometric force, strain gauges, temperature, pressure, acceleration, displacement and goniometers).

It is available in single or multi-channel configurations. Communication with the computer is achieved through a serial line, allowing multiple sets of units to be controlled simultaneously.

Settings commonly determined by front panel knobs and switches are instead determined by the supplied software including gain and filtering:

1902 Amplifier Control

Optional Input clamp

The input clamp option is designed for use with triggered subject stimulation where the stimulus would otherwise overload the 1902 amplifier input stages. Such overloads may not be electrically damaging, but the amplifier may take several seconds to regain normal operation after an overload, thus making it difficult to measure fast subject responses to the stimulus.

Optional Input Clamp

Important Note

The 1902 is research equipment and is not sold as a medical device within the meaning of the European Medical Devices Directive.

BandwidthDC to 10 kHz (-3dB) in DC mode;
Gain accuracy±2%
Filter responseBessel or Butterworth
Filter slope (low- and high-pass)2nd or 3rd order (12 or 18 dB/octave)
Low pass filter corner frequency1 Hz - 10 kHz cont. variable
High pass filter corner frequency0.01 Hz - 1 kHz cont. variable
Filter latency0.35 ms (approx.)
Input impedance10 GOhm
Input bias current at 25 °C±150pA
Noise referred to input, 1 Hz - 10 kHz0.3 microV rms
Common-mode rejection at 50 Hz100 dB
Common-mode voltage range±1 V
Gain ranges 100 - 100,000 or 1,000 - 1,000,000
Gain step sequence1, 3, 10 ...
Gain accuracy±2%
Bandwidth, all gainsDC - 10 kHz (-3 dB)
Catalog # Name Price
1902 Amplifier-2 Channels, Low Noise
Price: $5,605.00
1902 Amplifier-4 Channels, Low Noise
Price: $8,775.00
1902 Amplifier-2-Channel Headstage
Price: $250.00
1902 Amplifier-4-Channel Headstage
Price: $1,870.00
1902 Quad Rack Mount Option
Price: $225.00
2-Channel Electrode Adapter Box for 1902 Amplifier
Price: $490.00
4-Channel Electrode Adapter Box for 1902 Amplifier
Price: $565.00
8-Channel Electrode Adapter Box for 1902 Amplifier
Price: $320.00
16-Channel Electrode Adapter Box for 1902 Amplifier
Price: $3,280.00