Model 1600 Neuroprobe Amplifier

Price: $3,100.00 
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Surpass the exacting requirements of intracellular neurological studies.

A-M Systems Model 1600

Low Noise

13 µV RMS
(10 Hz to 50 kHz)

Ease of Use

Built-In Meter
Two Sensitivity Levels


Built-In Gain, Filtering &
Current Injection

The Neuroprobe Amplifier Model 1600: Designed to surpass the exacting requirements of intracellular neurological studies and provide the research scientist with versatility, accuracy and ease of operation.

The instrument consists of a high input impedance amplifier combined with current injection and bridge balance circuitry, allowing simultaneous stimulation and recording through the same electrode. The internal Dual-Function Transient Control and the DC balance Control assure extremely precise recordings during current injection without requiring an external bridge or a differential input oscilloscope. High-resolution ten-turn potentiometers are used for the DC Offset, DC balance, Current Injection, and Capacitance Compensation controls. Measure electrode resistance and adjust capacitance compensation using the internal 100 Hz test pulse. An easy to read Digital Panel Meter produces a highly accurate display of membrane potential, injected current or electrode resistance

The Neuroprobe Amplifier's advanced current injection system, adjustable to 0.1 nA resolution, allows external switching of both internal and external current sources. The total current from all sources can be displayed on the Digital Panel Meter prior to injection. This capability allows the user to inject the exact amount of current desired. Depending upon the requirements of the experiment, the user can also select either momentary or continuous injection.

This Iontophoresis Adapter allows the researcher to apply greater voltages to the micropipette for iontophoretic injection of drugs or dyes, or any other application where currents greater than those provided by the Neuroprobe Amplifier are required.

Model 1600 Headstage

For proper operation, the purchase of a Model 1600-compatible headstage (Catalog#: 681500) is required.

The Model 1600 includes:

  • Operator's manual
  • Rack mount hardware

Current Input
  • Impedance: 1011
  • Capacitance: Adjustable to zero
  • Working Range: ± 2.5 V
  • Maximum Range: ± 10 V
  • Iontophoresis Adapter Input: ± 200 V
Current Injection: External Source
  • Input Impedance: 20 kΩ
  • Frequency Range: DC to 250 kHz
  • Low Range Maximum Current: 10 nA/V
  • Low Range Maximum Voltage: lesser of ± 10V and (± 2.5 x 108 VΩ)/(electrode resistance)
  • High Range Maximum Current: 100 nA/V
  • High Range Maximum Voltage: lesser of ± 10V and (± 2.5 x 107 VΩ)/(electrode resistance)
Current Injection: External Source
  • Low Range Maximum Current: lesser of ± 100 nA and 2.5 V/(electrode resistance)
  • Low Range Maximum Voltage: lesser of ± 1000 nA and 2.5 V/(electrode resistance)
Current Gate
  • ON Signal: + 2.5 V (Step with rise time 10 µsec)
  • OFF Signal: +0.6 V
  • Maximum Input: ± 15 V
  • Input Impedance 20 kΩ
Electrode Test: External Signal Source
  • Input Impedance: 10 kΩ
  • Input Voltage Range: ± 10 V
  • Low Range Scale Factor (x1 Output): 1 mV/MΩ/(input voltage)
  • High Range Scale Factor (x1 Output): 10 mV/MΩ/(input voltage)
Electrode Test: Internal Signal Source
  • Signal: 100 Hz Square Wave
  • Low Range Scale Factor (x1 Output): 1 nA p-p produces 1 mV/MΩ
  • High Range Scale Factor (x1 Output): 10 nA p-p produces 1 mV/MΩ
Signal Processing: Input Bias Current
  • Optimal: Adjustable to Zero
  • Maximum without adjustment, Low Range: 3x10-12 Amp
  • Maximum without adjustment, High Range: 3x10-11Amp
  • Drift vs Temperature, Low Range: 1x10-13 Amp/°C
  • Drift vs Temperature, High Range: 1x10-12 Amp/°C
  • Drift vs Time, Low Range: 3x10-13 Amp/12 hours
  • Drift vs Time, High Range: 3x10-12 Amp/12 hours
Signal Processing: Frequency Response
  • Frequency Range: DC to 325 kHz
Signal Processing: Rise Time
  • Square Wave (500 mV) 50 Ω Source: 0.8 µsec (10% to 90%)
  • Square Wave (500 mV) 20 MΩ Source: 7.0µsec (10% to 90%)
Signal Processing: Zero Stability
  • Stability vs Temperature: 200 µV/°C
  • Stability vs Time:1 mV/12 hours
Signal Processing: Low Pass Filter
  • Cut-off Frequencies (-3 dB): 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 kHz
  • Slope: -12 dB/octave
Signal Processing: Notch Filter
  • Center Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 Hz (factory preset)
  • Q: 10
  • Rejection: -50 dB
Signal Processing: Capacitance Compensation
  • Range: -4 pF to +30 pF
Signal Processing: Internal Calibration Voltage
  • 10mV: ± 1%
  • 1000mV: ± 1%
Signal Processing: Noise
  • 0 Ω Source: 13 µV RMS (10Hz to 50kHz)
  • 1 MΩ Source: 79 µV RMS (10Hz to 50kHz)
  • 20 MΩ Source: 310 µV RMS (10Hz to 50kHz)
Signal Processing: DC Balance
  • Low Range: up to 500 MΩ
  • High Range: up to 50 MΩ
Output x1
  • Voltage Gain: 1.00 ± 0.1%
  • Maximum Voltage: ± 10V
  • Impedance: 220 Ω
  • DC Offset Range: 0.0 V to ± 1.0 V
Output x10
  • Voltage Gain: 10.00 ± 1.0%
  • Maximum Voltage: ± 10 V
  • Impedance: 220 Ω
  • DC Offset Range: 0.0 V to ± 10.0 V
Output: Current Monitor
  • Low Range Scale Factor: 10 mV/nA
  • High Range Scale Facto: 1 mV/nA
  • Maximum Output: ± 1.0 V
  • Output Impedance: 1 kΩ

Headstage for Model 1600

The Head Stage for the Neuroprobe Amplifier is designed to assure the user flexibility in application as well as optimum recordings. It can be mounted in a standard micromanipulator in either straight-on or 90 degree configurations.

The headstage has a standard 2 mm (0.08") pin connector jack for use with half-cell microelectrode holders.

The head stage features an internal driven shield to be placed around the body of the electrode from reduced capacitance and noise. It houses a wide bandwidth, FET-input operational amplifier and current injection and capacitance compensation components. The input impedance is typically 1014 Ohms; the input current is typically less than 1.0 pA; the bandwidth is greater than 325 kHz. All metal parts are chrome-plated to resist corrosion. The flexible 5' cable is silicone jacketed to resist mild alkalis, acids and solvents.

Iontophoresis Adapter for Model 1600

Model 6820 Iontophoresis Adapter for Model 1600 Neuroprobe Amplifier

An Iontophoresis Adapter Model 6820 is available for use with the Model 1600 Neuroprobe Amplifier to apply high voltages to the micropipette for iontophoretic injection of drugs or dyes, or any other application where currents greater than those provided by the Model 1600 are required.

The Model 6820 is connected between the Headstage Probe and the Model 1600. When the 6820 selector switch is in the EXT position, up to ±200 V can be applied to the electrode to permit injection of dyes or drugs into the cell. The injection current equals the voltage applied to the + and - terminals on the Model 6820 divided by the sum of the electrode resistance and the 9.0 MΩ protective resistance of the Headstage. The - terminal on the Model 6820 is connected internally to the system GND.

If the switch is set to the INT position, routine recording and injecting operations can be performed with the Model 1600 as if the Model 6820 were not present.

Catalog # Product Price
682000 Model 6820 Iontophoresis Adapter
Price: $300.00
681500 Model 1600 Headstage
Price: $460.00
521000 2.0 mm Pin Connector
Price: $46.00

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 A-M Systems instruments are not approved for use with human subjects in either a clinical or research environment.
Catalog #:680100
Price: $3,100.00