All Constant Current / Constant Voltage sources making use of optical isolation will have a small leakage current. This current is typically zeroed out using baseline, but can be easily filtered using an RC circuit, provided the stimulation protocol does not have long DC components. Product 721000 is a simple filter that attached to the output of theĀ Model 2100 to filter this current leakage.

Should your instrument need repair, and the unit is out of warranty, we will perform an initial troubleshooting and diagnosis, in order to inform you of the estimated costs. Should you elect to have the service performed, the diagnosis fee will be waived.

In order to return an instrument for calibration or repair, pleaseĀ contact customer service for information.

Be prepared with the instrument serial number. When returning the instrument to A-M Systems for repairs, please include a brief description of the symptoms you are observings, the front panel settings, and your electrode characteristics.

Rack Mount Hardware for 3.5" Instruments

Rack Mount Hardware for 3.5" Instruments

Catalog #:688000
Price: $25.00