ndd EasyOne Filter FT for FlowTube and EasyOne Air Spirometer

Price: $162.75
Per box of 100 filters
Catalog #:158750
GTIN: 07640142190899

The ndd EasyOne Filter FT's patent-pending design ensures highly accurate spirometry measurements while maintaining a clean environment and preventing cross-contamination when used with ndd's EasyOne Air spirometer.

This filter meets the 2019 Update to the ATS/ERS spirometry standards for accuracy and provides an optimal fit with minimal resistance.


  • Material: Electrostatic fibers
  • Dead space: ≤ 60 mL (2 oz)
  • Weight: ≤ 28 g (1 oz)
  • Dimension: 8 cm x 8 cm (3.1 in x 3.1 in)
  • Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE)2: ≥ 99.999%
  • Viral Filtration Efficiency (VFE)2: ≥ 99.99%
  • Use: Single-patient, single-use disposable filter
  • Quantity: 100 filters per box

Testing Information:

  1. Waveform tests passed the ISO 26782 standards as required by ATS/ERS. The 13 waveform testing is the new standard, replacing the previous 24-waveform testing. They simulate different patient groups, including COPD, asthma, obstruction, restriction, smaller and larger lungs, and high and low flows.
  2. Filtration efficiencies were tested at Nelson Labs, United States.
  3. The resistance of the entire system, including the ndd FlowTube and EasyOne Filter, is smaller than 1.5 cm H2O L/s "up to" or "at" 14 L/s.
  4. The accuracy of FEV1, FEV6, and FVC are demonstrated in the 13 waveforms tests performed according to ISO 26782:2009/Cor 1:2009 with applied ATS/ERS 2019 Spirometry Standards limits.

Firmware Requirements

The EasyOne Filter FT for EasyOne Air Spirometer FlowTubes requires:

  • EOA firmware V1.18.x or higher
  • EOC software V3.9.3.x or higher
